Themes of the Cross

Text: 1 Corinthians 1:18; Luke 9:23 The themes associated with Christ’s cross extend to ours as well. Love “God so loved the world…” (John 3:16) Jesus laid down His life for us (John 10:17-18) Our following Christ & enduring all things must be done in love (John 14:15; Matthew 22:36-40) Grace Man’s condition before the […]

Instructions About the Lord’s Supper

Text: 1 Corinthians 11:23-29 Origin of the Teaching Originated with Christ (Matthew 26:26-29) Received by Paul Delivered to the Corinthians Now they are being reminded A Simple Memorial Emblems — bread to represent Christ’s body, cup to represent Christ’s blood Observance — giving of thanks, brief comments, partaking Place — in the assembly (v. 18,20,33) […]

The Name of Jesus

Text: Isaiah 9:6 Wonderful Counselor Jesus is the great teacher (Matthew 7:28-29) His message is of divine origin (John 12:49-50) His words lead to eternal life (John 5:24; 6:68) Mighty God Power of Jesus displayed in Creation (Romans 1:20; Colossians 1:16) While on earth, Jesus demonstrated power over creation (Matthew 8:26-27) The deity of Christ […]

Six Roles of Christ

Creator (John 1:3; Colossians 1:16) Prophet (John 1:1,14; 12:49-50) Savior (Matthew 1:21; Luke 19:10; John 3:14-15) Priest (Hebrews 4:14-16; 7:25) King (John 18:36) Judge (2 Corinthians 5:10)

What Happened At The Cross?

Darkness Fell Upon the Land (Matthew 27:45) In Scriptures, darkness is used to depict evil, sin, separation from God Man is in darkness & without hope when he rejects Christ (John 8:34-36; Hebrews 10:26-29) The Veil of the Temple was Torn in Two (Matthew 27:51) Veil separated holy place from the most holy place (Exodus […]

Walking on Water

Text: Mark 14:22-33 “It Is a Ghost!” Faith is necessary (2 Corinthians 5:7) — but faith is not baseless (Hebrews 11:1) They had reason to conclude that they saw Jesus — already had seen Him perform miracles (Matthew 14:13-21) — but this was not their conclusion They concluded they were seeing a ghost — Why? […]

Three Branches of Government

Text: Isaiah 33:22 Judicial Branch — “The Lord is our judge” Christ will judge each of us (2 Corinthians 5:10) He is fit to be our judge — unbiased (Acts 10:34-35), knows & understands the law (John 1:14) He has the exclusive right to judge us (Colossians 2:16-17,20-22) Legislative Branch — “The Lord is our […]