The Pearl of Great Value

Text: Matthew 13:45-46 There are many investments that one can make (stocks, real estate, collectibles, cryptocurrency, etc.). All of these have to do with financial growth and security in this life. Yet there are certain investments we are to make that are spiritual in nature, and these are most important. In this series, we are […]

All Things Belong to You

Text: 1 Corinthians 3:21-23 We have been abundantly blessed by God. In our text, Paul emphasized certain blessings we have as Christians. He said, “All things belong to you.” What does that mean? To answer that, we need to look at what he said and what is in the context. Context: We Are Not to […]

One Body, Many Members

Text: 1 Corinthians 12:12-27 In our text, Paul described the church as a body made up of different parts that all function together. Recognizing this should lead us to value our brethren. It should also lead us to recognize our own value in the church. So we are going to talk about what Paul said […]

Living for Christ

Text: 2 Corinthians 5:14-15 Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross was an act of love. This love should motivate us to live for Him. But what does it mean to live for Christ? It is more than just belief in Him or an appreciation for what He has done. These things should affect our behavior. So […]

Unity of the Spirit

Text: Ephesians 4:3-6 Paul instructed the church in Ephesus to be “diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit.” He then went on to explain the basis for this unity. Our unity must be based upon this same foundation. Paul mentioned seven “ones” that provided the foundation for unity. If we want to know how […]

What Will Destroy a Congregation

Text: 2 Corinthians 12:20-21 When Paul wrote the first letter to the Corinthians, there were many problems he needed to address. When he wrote the second letter, they had definitely made some improvements. However, there were still issues that threatened the health of the church. Toward the end of the second letter, he described some […]

Jesus the Carpenter

Text: Matthew 13:53-58 When Jesus lived on the earth, He was the son of a carpenter. To the people in His hometown, that was all He was. We recognize Him first as the Son of God. Yet being raised in a carpenter’s home was not random. Carpenters make, build, and prepare things for others to […]