Why Israel Fell

Text: 2 Kings 17:7-18 A little more than 200 years after the kingdom was divided, the northern tribes were taken into captivity. In our text, we have an explanation as to why this happened. Just as they fell, we can fall away from God today – and for the same reasons. So let us consider the […]

Do Not Be Like Ephraim

Text: Hosea 6:4 Hosea warned the people of Israel (Ephraim) about God’s judgment that was coming against them for their sin. In the passages we will consider, he compared the people to different things – dew, a dove, and a donkey. The warning we are to take from these passages is this: Do not be like […]

Lessons Learned from the Tower of Babel

Text: Genesis 11:1-9 The account of the towel of Babel is the final event recorded in Genesis before we are told of Abraham and God’s plan through him. The promise to Abraham was a pivotal point in the scheme of redemption. However, the story of Babel was not included in Genesis simply as a matter […]

Ask for the Ancient Paths

Text: Jeremiah 6:16 Jeremiah received a warning from God to deliver to the people: Jerusalem was going to be punished for their sin. A final call was made for them to return, but they refused. The Scriptures teach that it is possible for God’s people to fall away today. How does this happen? And how can […]

An Objective Look at Apostasy

Text: Isaiah 1:18 The Lord offered His people an invitation to consider their apostasy objectively. How did they fall away? How did their apostasy affect them? How could they return? These people had fallen away from God and did not realize it. We need to objectively examine ourselves to make sure we do not fall […]

Why Was Paul Amazed at the Apostasy in Galatia?

Text: Galatians 1:6-9; Acts 13-14 Paul’s letter to the Galatians was addressed to the churches of that region – Antioch of Pisidia, Iconium, Lystra, and Derbe. These churches were established during Paul’s first preaching journey (Acts 13-14). The Christians in this region experienced a lot of opposition to the gospel, yet this was not what caused them […]

Sound the Alarm

Text: Hosea 5:8 Much of the preaching that is done today avoids the whole counsel of God (Acts 20:27). Instead, it emphasizes what is positive, feel-good, and motivational. It is this way because that is what people want (2 Timothy 4:3). There is a general dislike, even among some of our brethren, of preaching that […]