Making Sin a Trivial Thing

Text: 1 Kings 16:29-33 Ahab was one of the more infamous kings in the Bible. He provoked the Lord more than all the kings who were before him. To him, sin had become “trivial” (unimportant, nothing to be concerned about). We need to understand WHY it is dangerous for sin to become trivial and also […]

Who Is Affected by Sin?

Text: Isaiah 24:1-6 The prophet described a judgment against the people of the earth. The reason for this was sin. The inhabitants polluted the earth – not with trash or greenhouse gases; instead they “transgressed laws, violated statutes, broke the everlasting covenant” (v. 5). Most people do not realize the seriousness of sin, yet it causes destruction. Like […]

Better Not to Know

Text: 2 Peter 2:20-21 Some people say that “ignorance is bliss.” The Bible does not teach this, but it does say there can be times when it is better not to know something in certain circumstances. It is not that “not knowing” is to be preferred in every case, but knowing changes things. Knowing certain things affects […]

From Saul to Paul

Text: Acts 13:8-12 On his first preaching tour, Saul became known as Paul. Though this did not happen at his conversion, we generally think of Saul as the persecutor and Paul as the Christian. In this lesson, we will be using the names to symbolize the difference between this man as a non-Christian and a Christian. As we […]

Are Some Sins Worse Than Others?

Text: John 19:11 People often want to think of degrees of sin – some being greater than others. Some sins are seen as being especially bad (murder/rape), while others are considered virtually innocent (“a little white lie”). Is it Biblical to think of sins in this way? Are some sins worse than others? Yes and no. Let […]

Woe to the Wicked

Text: Isaiah 5:8-23 Isaiah prophesied concerning Judah and Jerusalem, warning them to turn from their sin. In this chapter, he delivered God’s message of “woe” to the wicked. There are some important lessons in this chapter for us to learn as well. Woe to Those Who Are Greedy (v. 8, 23) Adding house to house […]

Do Not Be Like Ephraim

Text: Hosea 6:4 Hosea warned the people of Israel (Ephraim) about God’s judgment that was coming against them for their sin. In the passages we will consider, he compared the people to different things – dew, a dove, and a donkey. The warning we are to take from these passages is this: Do not be like […]