God’s Plan for Worship

Text: John 4:20-24 In this chapter, Jesus spoke with a Samaritan woman by a well. One topic they discussed was worship. Jesus explained to her some basic principles about worship. This provides instruction for us as well. In this lesson, we’re going to look at what Jesus said and what He taught about God’s plan for worship. There are […]

The Limitations of Man

Text: Ezekiel 28:1-10 Man has been made in God’s image (Genesis 1:26-27), but man does not share all the attributes of God. In our text, the King of Tyre was condemned because he thought of himself as equal with God. We must recognize that as human beings, there are certain limitations that are placed upon us. Understanding […]

A Right Way and a Wrong Way to Learn

Text: Proverbs 1:5 Most people understand the importance of learning, but not everyone goes about learning the same way. There is a right and wrong WAY to learn. There are right and wrong THINGS to learn. In this lesson, we will consider what the Scriptures teach about LEARNING; particularly, learning that is of a religious nature […]

Is the Church a Cult?

Text: Acts 24:14 When Paul stood before Felix, he was accused of being “a ringleader of the sect of the Nazarenes” (Acts 24:5). He acknowledged that he served God “according to the Way which they call a sect” (Acts 24:14). Calling the church a “sect” was meant to disparage/discredit Paul and His message. The term “cult” is […]

Better Not to Know

Text: 2 Peter 2:20-21 Some people say that “ignorance is bliss.” The Bible does not teach this, but it does say there can be times when it is better not to know something in certain circumstances. It is not that “not knowing” is to be preferred in every case, but knowing changes things. Knowing certain things affects […]

Add Godliness

Text: 2 Peter 1:5-11 Faith must be the foundation of all that we do. Yet there are various qualities we are to add to our faith. In this lesson, the trait we will focus on is godliness. Define Godliness Greek word eusebeia – reverence, respect; piety toward God (Thayer); denotes a Godward attitude that does that […]

Add Knowledge

Text: 2 Peter 1:5-11 Faith must be the foundation of all that we do. Yet there are various qualities we are to add to our faith. In this lesson, the trait we will focus on is knowledge. Define Knowledge Greek word gnosis – seeking to know, enquiry, investigation (Vine’s); something that is acquired Side note – […]