The Christian’s Education

Text: John 7:15 Many people in our society place a great emphasis on education. This is good. But what about our education as Christians? How are we to learn, train, grow, and develop as disciples? Let us consider what the Scriptures say. Modeled after Jesus During the Feast of Booths, Jesus went to Jerusalem and began to teach (John […]

A Right Way and a Wrong Way to Learn

Text: Proverbs 1:5 Most people understand the importance of learning, but not everyone goes about learning the same way. There is a right and wrong WAY to learn. There are right and wrong THINGS to learn. In this lesson, we will consider what the Scriptures teach about LEARNING; particularly, learning that is of a religious nature […]

What We Cannot Know

Text: Deuteronomy 29:29 Mankind has come a long way in terms of knowledge. Yet no matter how much progress we make, there are certain things that we CANNOT know. We will talk about these in our lesson. What God Has Not Revealed The “secret things” belong to Him (Deuteronomy 29:29) – we can only know what […]

Revived Through Righteousness

Text: Psalm 119:33-40 Fifth stanza of Psalm 119 – This lesson focuses on how God revives men. As should be expected in this psalm, the psalmist emphasizes the place of God’s word – and the righteousness that comes by following it – in this revival. Revival Comes by Following the Way of Righteousness (v. 37, 40) […]


Text: John 3:1 The gospel of John tells us about a man named Nicodemus. He is not named in the other gospels, and is only mentioned on three occasions in John’s gospel. He is certainly not one of the primary characters in the Bible, but there are some important lessons we can learn from him. This lesson will […]

A Right Way and a Wrong Way to Learn

Text: Proverbs 1:5 Most people understand the importance of learning, though not everyone goes about learning in the same way. There is a right and wrong way to learn. In this lesson, we will consider what the Scriptures teach about learning – particularly learning that is of a religious nature and pertains to spiritual things. […]