Little Faith

Text: Matthew 8:23-27 Jesus spoke of some as having great faith and others having little faith. In the previous lesson, we examined great faith which recognizes one’s own unworthiness and the power and authority of Jesus and refuses to be turned away from Christ or be offended by Him. In this lesson, we will examine what it means […]

Be Subject to One Another in the Fear of Christ

Text: Ephesians 5:21-6:9 Paul talked about being “subject to one another” and the various relationships in which we do this. This is the idea of placing ourselves “under” someone – not by force as if we were defeated, but willingly. Ultimately, we do this because we are subjecting ourselves to the Lord as it is done “in […]

God Is Our Creator and Deliverer

Text: Psalm 33 This psalm is about the greatness of God. It began with a call to praise Him (v. 1-3). He is worthy of praise because of His word and work (v. 4), His righteousness and justice (v. 5), and His lovingkindness that fills the earth (v. 5). Let us notice some of the things that this […]

Rest for the People of God

Text: Hebrews 3:12-4:11 The Hebrew writer was encouraging his readers to remain faithful in order to receive the promised rest. He would remind them of the example of their forefathers who did not remain faithful. He warned them that they could also fall short of the rest that the Lord had promised. These instructions provide an important lesson […]

Not Conformed to the World

Text: Romans 12:1-2 As Christians, we have given our lives over to God. This necessarily means we will be different from the world – not conformed, but transformed. Yet too often we are tempted to be like the world. How might we be tempted to conform to the world? We’ll notice four ways in our lesson. […]

What Are Christians to Do in a Global Pandemic?

Text: Matthew 10:16 At the present time, everyone is talking about the Coronavirus. It originated in China and has been spreading throughout the world. The World Health Organization has classified it as a pandemic. The President of the United States has declared a national emergency. A lot of people are scared, there’s a lot of uncertainty, and people […]

What Are Our Priorities?

Text: Ecclesiastes 12:13 Our lives are shaped by our priorities. Time, energy, and resources are limited; therefore, we spend them on what is important to us. What should be most important to us? The Bible shows us what our highest priorities should be. We need to see what the Bible says and examine our lives to see […]