Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

Text: Psalm 139:13-14 The Bible clearly identifies God as the creator of all things. Our text makes this personal as each one of us has been created by Him. We have been “fearfully and wonderfully made.” This statement teaches certain things about us, and certain mentalities and behaviors that have become common in our society are the result of forgetting […]

What Has This Year Taught Us?

Text: Ecclesiastes 1:9 With a global pandemic, lockdowns, economic woes, a contested Presidential election, and more, this has been quite an unusual year. “There is nothing new under the sun,” but from our perspective, things may seem unprecedented. As the events of this year has unfolded, there are some important truths that have been highlighted. These have […]

What Hasn’t Changed Since the Election

Text: Psalm 62:1-2 Our country has just endured a difficult and divisive Presidential election. Now that it is over, there will be ongoing challenges and changes that will take place. However, there are certain things that have not changed since the election – and they will not change. Our Citizenship Is in Heaven (Philippians 3:20) There […]

The Divinely-Given Role of Civil Government

Text: Romans 13:1-4 This is a topic that many shy away from in Biblical discussions. The pulpit is certainly not the place for political speeches. It would be inappropriate to endorse any candidate/party. However, the New Testament does address government; therefore, we ought to address it. God has given a particular role to civil authorities. We need to understand […]

What Are Christians to Do in a Global Pandemic?

Text: Matthew 10:16 At the present time, everyone is talking about the Coronavirus. It originated in China and has been spreading throughout the world. The World Health Organization has classified it as a pandemic. The President of the United States has declared a national emergency. A lot of people are scared, there’s a lot of uncertainty, and people […]

What the Bible Teaches about Suicide

Text: Matthew 27:3-5 Suicide is the act in which one intentionally kills himself – not an accident, not sacrificing one’s life, not ending treatment for a terminal illness. Sadly, this is a growing problem in the U.S. There is not a specific passage in the Bible that explicitly states that suicide is either wrong or justifiable. We […]

An Appalling and Horrible Thing

Text: Jeremiah 5:30-31 There are many appalling and horrible things in our world today. What would qualify as appalling and horrible may depend on who you ask. But what if God was deciding what qualified as appalling and horrible? We are not left to wonder. He told us in our text. The Condition of the […]