Dangers on the Safe Side (Part 1): Avoiding Controversy

Text: Galatians 2:11-14 This is the first lesson in a series about dangers that exist “on the safe side.” This phrase means “avoiding danger, with a margin for error” (definition). Sometimes this is fine or even wise, but there is a difference between wisdom and safety. Sometimes they overlap, but not always. At times, staying “on the safe side” is […]

An Appalling and Horrible Thing

Text: Jeremiah 5:30-31 There are many appalling and horrible things in our world today. What would qualify as appalling and horrible may depend on who you ask. But what if God was deciding what qualified as appalling and horrible? We are not left to wonder. He told us in our text. The Condition of the […]

Burdens of Teaching the Bible

Text: James 3:1 The previous lesson focused on the blessings of teaching the Bible. We need to look at the “rest of the story” – not to discourage us from teaching, but we must recognize that there are burdens/responsibilities that come with this. So in this lesson, we will consider the burdens that come with teaching the […]

Extreme Measures

Text: Matthew 18:8-9 Typically, one will not purposefully harm himself unless he is severely depressed or mentally ill. Yet this idea is used in the New Testament to make a spiritual application – we must be willing to go to extreme measures to do what is right. In this lesson, we are going to see what […]

Remember the Fallen

Text: Revelation 6:9 Memorial Day is a time to remember those who have died while serving in the armed forces. It is good to appreciate the sacrifices that helped make it possible for us to live “a tranquil and quiet life” (1 Timothy 2:2). The New Testament tells of some who died, not for a […]

Troublemakers in the Early Church

Text: Romans 14:19 Within the Lord’s church, we are to pursue peace. Unfortunately, not everyone does this. Furthermore, some from outside of the church try to cause trouble for Christians. This lesson looks at four examples of troublemakers in the early church to see what we can learn from them. Saul Saul was a persecutor (Acts […]

Measures of a Sound Church

Text: 2 Timothy 1:13 We sometimes use the term “sound” to describe a local church. What does this mean? And what standard are we to use to indicate whether or not a church is sound? What Does It Mean for a Church to be Sound? The Greek word translated sound means to be well or in […]