How the Church May Use Its Money

Text: 1 Corinthians 16:1-2 On the first day of the week, the church takes up a collection. Why? What is that money used for? Are there any instructions or principles in the New Testament that would inform us about the use of that money? We will consider that in this lesson. The Concept of a […]

Answering Basic Questions (Part 11): What Is the Work of the Church?

Text: 1 Peter 3:15 In our text, Peter explained that each Christian needs to be ready to give an answer for what we believe. Giving a defense for the HOPE within us requires an ability to articulate the basics of our faith. In this series, we are going to discuss some basic questions that may […]

Conduct Yourselves in a Manner Worthy of the Gospel

Text: Philippians 1:27-30 When Paul wrote to the church at Philippi, there were very few problems that he needed to address. These brethren were faithfully following the Lord and were an encouragement to the apostle. So he encouraged them to continue serving the Lord in a way that would please Him. He told them to “conduct [themselves] in a manner […]

The Church as a Self-Edifying Body

Text: Ephesians 4:11-16 There are several ways that the church is described in the New Testament. One way is in our text – the church is a self-edifying body What does this mean? Why did the Lord give this role to the church? How is this role carried out? What Does This Mean? Body – this […]

What Is the Church to Be Doing?

Text: Matthew 28:20 This is the fourth and final lesson in a series dealing with the church. We already noticed that Jesus built ONE church; that His church is to follow His will; and that God adds people to the church upon believing, repenting, and being baptized. In this lesson, we’re going to ask the […]

The Controversy Over Institutionalism

Text: 1 Timothy 3:15 The church is the pillar and support of the truth. It is fully capable as God designed it to do the work that the Lord gave it to do. Do we believe that? Sixty years ago in this country, brethren fought battles over “institutionalism.” It was not a new issue then. It […]

How to Be Built Up

Text: Colossians 2:7 The New Testament repeatedly talks about being “built up” in the Lord. But how does this happen? It is not by the Lord miraculously making us stronger, more mature, better equipped to serve Him, etc. In this lesson, we will notice six ways given in the New Testament that show us how to be “built up” […]