They Think It Strange (Part 2)

Text: 1 Peter 4:1-4 In the previous lesson, we talked about how we, as individual Christians, stand out from the world. However, this is also true for churches. There are things that we do or don’t do that people are “surprised” by. We’re going to talk about some of these in this lesson. We Don’t Use […]

Answering Basic Questions (Part 8): What Is Bible Authority?

Text: 1 Peter 3:15 In our text, Peter explained that each Christian needs to be ready to give an answer for what we believe. Giving a defense for the HOPE within us requires an ability to articulate the basics of our faith. In this series, we are going to discuss some basic questions that may […]

Healing the Centurion’s Servant

Text: Matthew 8:5-13 Throughout Jesus’ earthly ministry, He performed various miracles to demonstrate His divine power. The miracle we are discussing here was Jesus healing the centurion’s servant. As we study this miracle, as with every Bible passage, it is important to understand the context. This miracle teaches us certain things about Jesus and provides an important lesson […]

Dangers on the Safe Side (Part 3): Adding Rules

Text: Colossians 2:20-23 This is the third lesson in a series about dangers that exist “on the safe side.” This phrase means “avoiding danger, with a margin for error” (definition). Sometimes this is fine or even wise, but there is a difference between wisdom and safety. Sometimes they overlap, but not always. At times, staying “on the safe side” is […]

What Does the Bible Say about Christmas?

Text: Matthew 1:20-25 Christmas is one of two main “Christian” religious holidays (the other is Easter). It is so common that people take it for granted and never give a second thought about it. But what does the Bible actually say about Christmas? Is it part of our service to God or something else? The Bible Says […]

What Rule Does the Church Follow?

Text: Matthew 28:18 This is the second in a series dealing with the church. We previously discussed the question: How many churches did Jesus build? He built one. In this lesson, we’re going to ask the question: What rule does His church follow? We need to know how His one church can determine what to believe, teach, and practice. […]

The Controversy Over Institutionalism

Text: 1 Timothy 3:15 The church is the pillar and support of the truth. It is fully capable as God designed it to do the work that the Lord gave it to do. Do we believe that? Sixty years ago in this country, brethren fought battles over “institutionalism.” It was not a new issue then. It […]