Displeased with Jesus

Text: Matthew 21:14-16 Jesus came to earth and did good, performed miracles, taught the truth, and sacrificed His life on the cross. Even so, there were times when certain people were displeased with Him. The gospels record a few occasions in which people were indignant with Jesus over what He permitted and/or what He was doing. Why were these […]

Dangers on the Safe Side (Part 3): Adding Rules

Text: Colossians 2:20-23 This is the third lesson in a series about dangers that exist “on the safe side.” This phrase means “avoiding danger, with a margin for error” (definition). Sometimes this is fine or even wise, but there is a difference between wisdom and safety. Sometimes they overlap, but not always. At times, staying “on the safe side” is […]

Collective Responsibilities

Text: 1 Corinthians 12:27 In our text, Paul explained that Christians were individually part of a collective body. They each had a role to play and responsibilities as individuals. They were also to contribute to the function of the body as a whole. In this lesson and the previous one, we’re going to discuss these different responsibilities. In this […]

The Importance of Numbers

Text: Acts 26:28-29 This is a follow-up to the previous lesson on things that are more important than numbers. There are certainly things we must not sacrifice for the sake of larger numbers; however, we should not overreact and think that smaller numbers are inherently good. We need to remember that numbers represent people – made in the image […]

Understanding Romans 14

Text: Romans 14:1-9 Romans 14 teaches the need to accept and not judge those with whom we differ on matters of opinion. Some have tried to expand the scope of this chapter to include matters of faith. But on matters of faith, we are not to tolerate departures from the faith (Jude 3; Galatians 1:6-9; 2:3-5). […]

The Problem with Division

Text: 1 Corinthians 1:10 The first of many problems that Paul addressed in his first letter to Corinth was the problem of division. There were factions within the church. Paul appealed for them to have unity. He did so by explaining what is the problem with division. When We Are Divided, We Are… Not Complete Complete – “perfectly joined […]

Act As Free Men

Text: 1 Peter 2:16 This country was built upon the foundation of freedom. Declaration of Independence states: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.” This was not […]