Letter to the Church in Laodicea

Text: Revelation 3:14-22 This is the seventh and final lesson in a series on the seven churches of Asia addressed in Revelation 2-3. Through John, Jesus sent a letter to each church, which He also shared with the others and with us as well. The letters described challenges they were facing, what they were doing […]

Casting the Demons into the Swine

Text: Matthew 8:28-34 Throughout Jesus’ earthly ministry, He performed various miracles to demonstrate His divine power. The miracle we are discussing here was Jesus healing a demon-possessed man by casting the demons into swine. As we study this miracle, as with every Bible passage, it is important to understand the context. This miracle teaches us certain things about […]

Some Fools in the Bible

Text: Proverbs 26:11-12 A fool is one who acts foolishly. He continues in his folly even though it ought to be seen as repulsive. Yet there is hope for a fool. He may eventually realize his folly and change, yet changing requires a recognition of the problem. We would hope that all who would act foolishly would […]

The Rich Man

Text: Luke 12:16-21 Jesus often used parables in His teaching – using an everyday illustration to describe a spiritual truth. In this parable, Jesus described a rich man blessed with an abundant harvest. He made plans for how to deal with this prosperity, yet his life was cut short. As we study this, we are going […]

The Christian and Minimalism

Text: Colossians 2:8 When Paul wrote to the Colossians, he warned about human philosophy leading us away from Christ. Today, many promote the philosophy of minimalism. Some concepts in this philosophy will be appealing to many, even if they don’t embrace it in its entirety. What is minimalism? What place, if any, does it have […]

Turning Blessings into Curses

Text: Proverbs 25:16 In the Bible, honey is often used to symbolize God’s great blessings for man (cf. Exodus 3:8). Yet in our text, the wise man pointed out that this same blessing can be turned into something with negative effects. It is possible to take the good things God blesses us with and turn them into […]

What Keeps Us from Going to Battle?

Text: Deuteronomy 20:1-9 In the Old Testament, the Israelites were called to fight. These physical battles teach us lessons for our spiritual war. In our text, Moses encouraged the people to not fear the enemies they would face and also gave certain exemptions that would excuse certain men from their responsibilities to go to war. As Christians involved […]