Begging Jesus to Leave

Text: Mark 5:1-20 Three times in our text, an individual or group begs/implores Jesus to leave – each one is for a different reason. There are lessons we can learn from each one of these. The Demons Begged Jesus to Let Them Leave and Enter the Swine (Mark 5:11-13) Shows Jesus’ power over the demons […]

Some Things That Money Cannot Buy

Text: Hebrews 13:5 We live in a materialistic society. The problem is not money or the things it will buy, but our attitude toward these things. While money will buy a lot of things, there are some things that money cannot buy. It is important that we recognize the limits of money and, therefore, place our trust […]

How the Church Grew in Ephesus

Text: Acts 19:20 When Paul came to Ephesus, he quickly converted twelve men (Acts 19:1-7). In three years (Acts 20:31), the gospel grew mightily (Acts 19:20) and the church went from just twelve men to “a considerable number” (Acts 19:26). There are challenges that come with being part of a smaller congregation. But we can […]

Stagnant in Spirit

Text: Zephaniah 1:12-13 This prophecy of judgment was against those who were “stagnant in spirit,” or “settled in complacency” (NKJV). In this lesson, we will consider how these people were “stagnant in spirit” so that we might not be the same. Why Complacency is a Threat to God’s People Keeps us focused on the here […]

The Entitlement Mentality

Text: Exodus 2:23-24; 13:3; 16:3 Our society has developed an “entitlement mentality” – particularly among the young, but anyone can be guilty of thinking that because they exist, they are “entitled” to certain things. The Israelites adopted this mindset in Egypt. Though they suffered and God delivered them, they often complained about not having what […]

Do Not Worry

Text: Matthew 6:24-34 It is often easy to allow ourselves to worry about various things in life. Some become so consumed by anxiety that they find it difficult to function. In this passage, Jesus gives eight reasons why we should not worry. Do Not Worry Because… We Are Serving the Wrong Master When We Worry […]

Riches: What Does the Bible Say?

Text: Luke 8:14 There is a clear spiritual danger that is posed by the riches of this life. This doesn’t mean we must give away all that we own. But we cannot allow riches to take precedence over our service to God. We have all been blessed with varying amounts of riches. We need to […]