Eve’s Fall

Text: Genesis 3:1-7 Because of Adam’s place and responsibility in Creation, the Bible emphasizes his sin (1 Corinthians 15:21-22). However, Eve was the first person who sinned. There are some important lessons to learn from her. She Listened to Evil Influence “The serpent said to the woman…” (v. 4) – he initiated the conversation, but she […]

Paul’s Desire to Go to Rome

Text: Romans 1:8-13 When Paul wrote to the saints in Rome, he had not been there. He had been unable up to that point. Yet in our text, he expressed a desire to go to Rome. Why did he desire to go? What did he hope to accomplish there? Why had he not gone yet? There are […]

Who Will Be Spared From Judgment?

Text: Ezekiel 14:12-20 Our text describes judgment against a country because of their sins against God. Yet three men would be saved by their righteousness – Noah, Daniel, and Job. We are living in a wicked society, but this passage gives us hope. We can be saved like these men were. Let us notice the chief […]

Lessons from Lazarus

Text: Luke 16:19-31 In the account of the rich man and Lazarus, we often focus on the rich man and/or the afterlife. But what can we learn from Lazarus? There are certain lessons taught by implication – not explicitly stated, but are still there. He was a man of great character in the face of […]

Why Would Christians Follow Diotrephes?

In John’s third letter, he warned about a man named Diotrephes. We often talk about his desire for preeminence, his rule over the church, and the trouble he caused; but we don’t usually talk about his followers. In this lesson, we are going to consider the followers of Diotrephes and why they would follow him. How […]

From Saul to Paul

Text: Acts 13:8-12 On his first preaching tour, Saul became known as Paul. Though this did not happen at his conversion, we generally think of Saul as the persecutor and Paul as the Christian. In this lesson, we will be using the names to symbolize the difference between this man as a non-Christian and a Christian. As we […]

Saul’s Poor Leadership

Text: 1 Samuel 15:34-35 Following Saul’s failure to carry out the mission against the Amalekites, God regretted making him king. Saul had been made king over God’s people, yet failed in this role. Why was he a failure? Why was God sorry that He made him king? Throughout his reign, Saul demonstrated poor leadership. We need […]