Be Ready

Text: Luke 12:35-40 We spend our lives getting ready for what is coming in the future. This includes getting ready and being ready for certain things that are of a spiritual nature. To be ready, we must (1) know what needs to be done, (2) prepare ourselves to do what needs to be done, and (3) […]

Practicing the Golden Rule

Text: Matthew 7:12 Most people, religious or not, recognize the “golden rule” – do unto others as you would have them do unto you. This is based upon Jesus’ statement in our text. We know the statement, but how do we put it into practice? We Must Take the Initiative Jesus did not say, “Treat […]

What Are Our Priorities?

Text: Ecclesiastes 12:13 Our lives are shaped by our priorities. Time, energy, and resources are limited; therefore, we spend them on what is important to us. What should be most important to us? The Bible shows us what our highest priorities should be. We need to see what the Bible says and examine our lives to see […]

The Road to Jericho

Text: Luke 10:30-37 In this lesson, we’re going to visit one who was traveling the road to Jericho. As we travel down the road to Jericho, we will learn about loving our neighbor. Life Is Uncertain We probably immediately think of this as it relates to the victim – he did not go out expecting […]

Regular Christians Who Used Their Talents

Text: Matthew 25:14-30 In the parable of the talents, three servants were given a different number of “talents” to use while their master was away. These talents were sums of money given to the servants to use in the master’s service. For us, “talents” are those things we possess that may be used in the Lord’s […]

Add Brotherly Kindness

Text: 2 Peter 1:5-11 Faith must be the foundation of all that we do. Yet there are various qualities we are to add to our faith. In this lesson, the trait we will focus on is brotherly kindness. Define Brotherly Kindness Greek word philadelphia – this is why Philadelphia is known as the city of brotherly love […]

What Is the Church to Be Doing?

Text: Matthew 28:20 This is the fourth and final lesson in a series dealing with the church. We already noticed that Jesus built ONE church; that His church is to follow His will; and that God adds people to the church upon believing, repenting, and being baptized. In this lesson, we’re going to ask the […]