The Ten Virgins

Text: Matthew 25:1-13 Jesus often used parables in His teaching – using an everyday illustration to describe a spiritual truth. In this parable, Jesus described ten virgins waiting for the bridegroom so they could enter a wedding feast. As we study this, we are going to attempt to identify the MAIN point. Once we do that, […]

Individual Responsibilities

Text: 1 Corinthians 12:27 In our text, Paul explained that Christians were individually part of a collective body. They each had a role to play and responsibilities as individuals. They were also to contribute to the function of the body as a whole. In the next two lessons, we’re going to discuss these different responsibilities. In this lesson, […]

Patience and Judgment

Text: James 5:1-12 This lesson is the ninth in a series on the book of James. In this passage, James explained how we are to show fairness to others and patience in all things since we will be judged by the Lord. Show Justice toward Others (v. 1-6) James began this section by returning to a […]

The Rich Man

Text: Luke 12:16-21 Jesus often used parables in His teaching – using an everyday illustration to describe a spiritual truth. In this parable, Jesus described a rich man blessed with an abundant harvest. He made plans for how to deal with this prosperity, yet his life was cut short. As we study this, we are going […]

Submit and Resist

Text: James 4:1-12 This lesson is the seventh in a series on the book of James. In this passage, James talked about the need to submit to God and resist the devil. There Is a War Inside of Us (v. 1-5) Conflicts among us are primarily rooted in selfishness (v. 1) – our desires over the good of others Following […]

Using Our Words

Text: James 3:1-12 This lesson is the fifth in a series on the book of James. In this passage, we find instructions about the words that we use. Much harm can come from our speech. Furthermore, the tongue cannot be tamed. Yet there is a way to ensure that our words are pure. Warning about Becoming Teachers […]

Mercy and Judgment

Text: James 2:1-13 This lesson is the third in a series on the book of James. In this passage, James discussed mercy and judgment – what they mean in our standing before God and how we are to apply these principles in our dealings with others. Warning Against Showing Favoritism (v. 1-7) James just finished discussing […]