Examining the Qualifications for Elders

Text: 1 Timothy 3:1-7; Titus 1:5-9 Elders play a vital role in God’s plan for the church. But we cannot appoint just anyone – they must be qualified. This lesson will examine the qualifications for elders. “An Overseer, Then, Must Be…” (1 Timothy 3:2; cf. Titus 1:7) These are not optional – an unqualified man […]

Examining the New Testament Passages About Elders

Text: Acts 14:23 When considering elders, we need to examine what the New Testament says about them. This lesson will focus on passages that speak about elders. The next lessons will look more closely at the qualifications for elders and the relationship between elders and the church. Acts 11:29-30 Elders are responsible to oversee the work […]

Does the Church Lack?

Text: Ephesians 4:16 The church, as God designed it, is fully capable of carrying out the work that He has given it to do. Yet it is apparent that many practices that have become common in the religious world are not done by brethren. Many might assume it is because the church lacks money, personnel, […]

Apostate churches of Christ

Text: Revelation 2:4-5 As we consider the different churches that exist in the religious world, some of these churches can be classified as “apostate churches of Christ.” They are composed of brethren but have departed from Christ. This lesson will examine these churches. Define “Apostate churches of Christ” Departed from the NT pattern – therefore, […]

The Churches of Men

Text: Matthew 15:13 There are many churches in the religious world that can be classified as “churches of men.” We need to be warned about these churches – not just so that we can avoid being a part of them, but so that we can help lead others out of them. Define “Churches of Men” We often […]

The Lord’s Church

Text: Matthew 16:18 This is the first in a series of lessons about different churches. There are many different churches in the religious world. We need to know why they are different and why that is important. In this lesson, we will look at the church that Jesus established – the one shown to us […]

Congregational Cooperation

Text: 1 Timothy 4:6 From time to time it is good to revisit questions that brethren have debated in the past. If we do not, there is a danger that the next generation can fall into the same errors we once opposed. The question under consideration is this: Can local churches work together? If so, how? This […]