Our Bodies as Instruments of Righteousness

Text: Romans 6:12-14 Our bodies can be used one of two ways – either for God or for sin. How can we use the members of our bodies as instruments of righteousness? Let’s consider what the Bible says about how we can use the different parts of our bodies. Our Minds (Thinking) Must be set on God’s […]

The Thoughts of God and Man

Text: Isaiah 55:6-11 In discussing matters of religion/spirituality, many people base their view on what they think. The problem with basing our beliefs/practices on what we think is that we are not God. Even with the best of intentions, what we think does not justify us. Seek the Lord This is what all men have been called […]

Make No Provision for the Flesh

Text: Romans 13:13-14 When Paul told these brethren to “make no provision for the flesh,” there was a specific context. Paul warned against the lusts of the flesh (cf. James 1:14-15). To make no provision for the flesh is to not provide what is necessary for sin to enter and remain in our lives. How […]

Our Bodies as Instruments of Righteousness

Text: Romans 6:12-14 Our bodies can be used one of two ways – either for God or for sin. We are to present our bodies as living sacrifices to God (Romans 12:1). Our bodies are “for the Lord” (1 Corinthians 6:13) – a temple of the Spirit in which we are to glorify God (1 […]

Sins of the Tongue

James 3:2-8 If we cannot “tame the tongue,” (James 3:8), how can we control our speech? It is done by making sure our hearts are right (Proverbs 4:23; James 3:9-12). This lesson will address a few sins of the tongue and how to avoid them. False Teaching This is suggested in the immediate context (James […]


Text: 2 Peter 1:5-6 Christians are to Exercise Self-Control – Galatians 5:23; 1 Corinthians 9:27 Control Over our Actions – Romans 6:12-14, 16-18 Control Over our Speech – James 3:5-6 Control Over our Minds – Philippians 4:8


Two Kinds of Temptation Testing, trying – that which comes from without Desire, lust – that which comes from within Results of Temptation Testing – James 1:2-4 Desire – James 1:13-15 Truths About Temptation – 1 Corinthians 10:13 How to Overcome Be on the alert – 1 Peter 5:8 Avoid bad situations/company – Proverbs 5:3-8; […]