Holy Hands

Text: 1 Timothy 2:8 In the previous lesson, we studied about a modest heart – particularly as it pertains to women. This lesson is a counterpart to that one. There are lessons for men that relate to what we discussed. The expression about “lifting up holy hands” is not about a particular prayer posture; instead, it signifies one […]

“Come and See”

Text: John 1:45-46 After Jesus called Philip, Philip told Nathanael. When Nathanael was first skeptical, Philip offered a simple invitation: “Come and see.” Nathanael came and saw, which led him to believe in Jesus. We are going to consider this “come and see” invitation – what we can learn from it and how it applies […]

Solomon’s Plan to Build the Temple

Text: 2 Chronicles 2:4-9 As Solomon made plans to build the temple, he explained what he planned to do, why he planned to do it, and what he needed to complete the work. We do not worship in the temple today, nor must we worship in a building as elaborate as the temple. But there are principles that […]

Giving Thanks to God

Text: 1 Thessalonians 5:18 As the Thanksgiving holiday is approaching, many are focusing on their blessings. Of course, recognizing our blessings and showing gratitude for them should not be confined to a single day. However, this does serve as a good reminder of the attitude that we should have at all times. So in this lesson, […]

The Blessing of Autonomy

Text: 1 Peter 5:1-2 One characteristic of the Lord’s church that makes it different from most churches of men is autonomy. Why did the Lord design the church to be this way? We can look to the Bible to see what has been revealed that would show at least some of His reasons. So in this lesson, […]

How to Have a Great Gospel Meeting

Text: 1 Thessalonians 1:6-10 One reason why the brethren in Thessalonica were commended was because they received the word with joy and, despite the hardships, they heard, obeyed, and taught the word to others. The same should be true for us. When a congregation has a Gospel Meeting, there is an opportunity to hear the […]

Different Perspectives

Text: Ezra 3:10-13 It is often the case that people look at one event, fact, or piece of information from different perspectives. As a result, they react differently to the same thing. This happened when the foundation for the second temple was laid – there were shouts of joy and the sound of weeping. There will always […]