Making the Most of Your Time

Text: Ephesians 5:15-21 In our culture, people are constantly busy with obligations and responsibilities. Some of these are placed upon us, others are self-imposed. This has led to a huge interest in time management and productivity. These can be helpful IF our priorities are right. Paul gave the Ephesians instructions about how to make the most of […]

Songs of Jesus

Text: Hebrews 2:12 Singing is one of the key components of our worship. Because of this, we find singing throughout the Bible – including in the New Testament. In this lesson, we are going to see what we can learn from certain songs – the songs of Jesus. The Song Before His Crucifixion (Matthew 26:30) […]

Giving Thanks to God

Text: 1 Thessalonians 5:18 As the Thanksgiving holiday is approaching, many are focusing on their blessings. Of course, recognizing our blessings and showing gratitude for them should not be confined to a single day. However, this does serve as a good reminder of the attitude that we should have at all times. So in this lesson, […]

Singing That Glorifies God

Text: Colossians 3:16 Singing is a way for us to praise and glorify God. It is a regular practice in our assemblies. If we are going to glorify God through our singing, it is important that we do it in the right way. In this lesson, we will consider some things about singing so that we might […]

Singing Only?

Text: Colossians 3:16 Paul mentioned two things we do when we sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs – teach one another and express our thankfulness to God. We know we are to sing, but what about using instrumental music? It this a problem? Is it a necessity? Is it a non-issue as a matter of […]

Let My Soul Live That It May Praise You

Text: Psalm 119:169-176 Twenty-second stanza of Psalm 119 – This final stanza focuses on the need to praise God because of His word. We considered this point a little bit in the previous lesson. This is a fitting conclusion to the study of Psalm 119. Given all that we have learned about God’s word, we should […]

Remember the Word

Text: Psalm 119:49-56 Seventh stanza of Psalm 119 – This lesson focuses on the importance of remembering God’s word. His word does not do us any good if we do not know it. Furthermore, His word will not help us if we forget it after first learning it. So let us consider what David said about […]