Calming the Storm

Text: Matthew 8:23-27 Throughout Jesus’ earthly ministry, He performed various miracles to demonstrate His divine power. The miracle we are discussing here was Jesus calming the storm. As we study this miracle, as with every Bible passage, it is important to understand the context. This miracle teaches us certain things about Jesus and provides an important lesson for […]

“Follow Me”

Text: Matthew 28:19 In the Great Commission, Jesus told His apostles to go out and make disciples. A disciple is a follower of Jesus. While on earth, Jesus also went out and made disciples. But while His apostles would tell people to follow Jesus, He would tell them, “Follow Me.” There are a few examples in the gospels […]

Why People Do Not Receive Jesus

Text: John 1:11-12 When Jesus came and preached to the Jews, many “did not receive Him.” This is about receiving Jesus as the Son of God and obeying Him as Lord (John 3:16, 36). Many today are like “His own” who “did not receive Him” – why? This is not an exhaustive list, but we will notice […]

The Demands of Discipleship

Text: Luke 9:57-62 We have been called to be disciples of Jesus – but this is not an easy life. Discipleship is demanding. Certain things are required of us and not everyone will be willing to be a disciple. In our text, Jesus encountered three prospective disciples. In His responses to them, He showed just how […]

More Important Than Numbers

Text: Matthew 7:13-14 Some churches are so focused on numbers they will do almost anything to boost their attendance, membership, conversions, etc. We would certainly all prefer to see an increase in these numbers, but not at all costs. The New Testament shows that there are things that are more important than numbers. Favor of God […]

Who Makes Up the Church?

Text: Matthew 28:19 This is the third in a series dealing with the church. We already noticed that Jesus built just ONE church and that His church is to follow His will. In this lesson, we’re going to ask the question: Who makes up His church? As the church is the body of the saved (Ephesians 5:23), […]

Belonging To The Way

Text: Acts 9:1-2 When persecution began with the death of Stephen, those “belonging to the Way” were targeted. We will discuss the idea of persecution more in the next lesson. But in order to face this persecution, we must first belong to “the way.” This lesson will examine what the Scriptures teach about belonging to “the way” […]