Letter to the Church in Smyrna

Text: Revelation 2:8-11 This is the second in a series of lessons on the seven churches of Asia addressed in Revelation 2-3. Through John, Jesus sent a letter to each church, which He also shared with the others and with us as well. The letters described challenges they were facing, what they were doing well, […]

Who Was Moses?

Text: Hebrews 11:24-27 One of the major characters in the Bible is Moses. He was the one who led the people of Israel out of Egyptian bondage. He was the one who parted the Red Sea. He was the one who received the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai. There are many lessons we can learn […]

Following Paul’s Example

Text: 2 Timothy 3:10-11 In our text, Paul wrote to Timothy about how the young evangelist had followed the apostle’s example in various ways. Examples are important. Paul knew that he needed to set an example to others (cf. 1 Corinthians 11:1). What about us? Are we setting the example that we need to set before […]

Great Is Your Faithfulness

Text: Lamentations 3:19-26 Jeremiah spoke of God’s mercy and compassion being new every morning. He praised God for His faithfulness, despite the sad conditions that existed around him. In this lesson, we are going to notice what Jeremiah said about the faithfulness of God. This should encourage us to put our trust (or keep our trust) in Him. […]

Jesus Christ – Our Perfect Example

Text: 1 Peter 2:21-25 In this passage, Peter explained that Jesus left an example for us to follow. There are many people we may look to as examples in life; yet Jesus was not just an example, He was the perfect example. This passage shows us how Jesus is the perfect example. An Example of Suffering “Christ […]

Patience and Judgment

Text: James 5:1-12 This lesson is the ninth in a series on the book of James. In this passage, James explained how we are to show fairness to others and patience in all things since we will be judged by the Lord. Show Justice toward Others (v. 1-6) James began this section by returning to a […]

“Follow Me”

Text: Matthew 28:19 In the Great Commission, Jesus told His apostles to go out and make disciples. A disciple is a follower of Jesus. While on earth, Jesus also went out and made disciples. But while His apostles would tell people to follow Jesus, He would tell them, “Follow Me.” There are a few examples in the gospels […]