The Example of Those Who Fell in the Wilderness

Text: 1 Corinthians 10:1-12 Paul began this section by reminding the brethren of parallels between them and the Israelites (v. 1-4). Yet “with most of them God was not well-pleased,” and they died in the wilderness (v. 5). “Now these things happened as examples for us…” (v. 6). Let us consider what their example teaches […]

God’s Law Trumps Man’s Law

Text: Romans 13:1 God ordained civil government to fulfill a specific purpose (Romans 13:3-4; 1 Timothy 2:1-4). Governments will go beyond this limited role – this is not always bad, just reality. Even within the limits of the U.S. Constitution, the role is larger than the limited role outlined in the New Testament. However, we […]

Passing Over the Firstborn

Text: Genesis 49:3-4 In ancient times, the firstborn (particularly the firstborn son) held a place of prominence – inheritance, assume leadership role after the death of the father. There are several examples in the book of Genesis about the firstborn being passed over for a younger brother who would later appear in the genealogy of Christ. Why […]

The Example of Those Who Fell in the Wilderness

Text: 1 Corinthians 10:1-12 Paul begins by reminding these Christians of the parallels between then and the Israelites (v. 1-4). But most died in the wilderness. We need to learn from their failings so we can avoid their sins. Do Not Crave Evil Things (v. 6) This was the fundamental problem that led to the […]

Flee & Pursue

Text: 2 Timothy 2:22 Flee Youthful Lusts: Sexual Immorality Desire for Material Things Desire for Fame Desire for Acceptance Desire to Do Your Own Thing Pursue: Righteousness Faith Love Peace