The Sin of Gluttony

Text: Proverbs 23:1-3 The Bible condemns the sin of gluttony. But what exactly is a glutton? It is not necessarily one who is overweight. It is also not necessarily one who enjoys food. Jesus was wrongly accused of being a glutton (Luke 7:34) which shows that gluttony is about more than outward appearances. So if […]

Did God Put Barack Obama in the White House?

Text: Daniel 4:17 Many Christians are disappointed in the outcome of the Presidential election. But many have concluded that it must have been God’s will for the President to be reelected. Daniel 4:17 is often cited on this point. However, these are different times. There were specific purposes and prophecies for nations in the Bible; […]


Sleep of Physical Rest (Ecclesiastes 5:12) Sleep is good when used for its proper purpose — not for slothfulness, but as rest from a day of productivity Sleep is pleasant — lack of sleep is not pleasant, good, or desirable (2 Corinthians 11:27) Sleep of the working man (2 Thessalonians 3:10; Ecclesiastes 9:10) Sleep implies […]

The Fertile Fields of Sin in Sodom

Text: Ezekiel 16:49-50 There were certain conditions that gave rise to the exceeding wickedness among the people of Sodom Arrogance (Proverbs 16:18) Abundance (1 Timothy 6:17) Laziness (Proverbs 6:6-8) Selfishness (Matthew 22:39) Read the article: The Fertile Fields of Sin in Sodom