Qualifications to Lead

Text: Joshua 24:15 How do we decide who we will serve/follow? This is a common question in an election year. But this lesson focuses on matters more important than politics. Joshua challenged the people to choose, while he had already made his choice. Why follow God? What qualifies Him to be our king & worthy […]

The Great Faith of the Centurion

Text: Luke 7:2-10 What prompted Jesus to say, “Not even in Israel have I found such great faith” (Luke 7:9)? Let us consider what Jesus describes as “great faith.” Great Faith Recognizes One’s Own Unworthiness (v. 6-7) We must understand our insignificance in Creation (Psalm 8:3-4) We must understand our state as sinners (Romans 3:23) […]

God is Awesome

Text: Nahum 1:1-8 The term awesome is often used flippantly or carelessly today, such that it has lost its meaning. God is awesome, meaning we should stand in awe of Him. This includes fear & respect. There are many reasons to fear & respect God. We’ll notice the ones mentioned in this passage. He is […]

Old Testament Religious Festivals

Text: Leviticus 23 This lesson takes a brief look at several feasts & observances from the Law of Moses and some of the lessons they provide for us today. Weekly Sabbath (v. 3) Creation — Sabbath patterned after Creation week (Exodus 20:11); reminds us that He is all-powerful (Romans 1:20) & the only true & […]

The Creation Account

Text: Genesis 1:1 Different Theories to Explain Genesis 1 The Bible describes the Creation as occurring over six consecutive, literal, 24-hour days — but this does not fit with “science” (cf. 1 Timothy 6:20-21), so man has come up with alternate explanations The gap theory — large gap of time between verses 2 & 3 […]

The “Miracle” of Birth

Text: Genesis 4:1 Two Ways in which God Can Operate Directly — through miracles Indirectly — through providence Childbirth fits into the realm of providence, rather than the miraculous Childbirth is Common This is not to say that conception & childbirth are automatic & without risk of complications But childbirth is common for all peoples, […]

The Name of Jesus

Text: Isaiah 9:6 Wonderful Counselor Jesus is the great teacher (Matthew 7:28-29) His message is of divine origin (John 12:49-50) His words lead to eternal life (John 5:24; 6:68) Mighty God Power of Jesus displayed in Creation (Romans 1:20; Colossians 1:16) While on earth, Jesus demonstrated power over creation (Matthew 8:26-27) The deity of Christ […]