What Does the Lord Require?

Text: Micah 6:6-8 If you ask various people what God requires of us, you will likely get many different answers. In our text, Micah revealed from God what He requires of man. This was revealed while the old law was in force. It has since been nailed to the cross (Colossians 2:14). However, the principles are the […]

The Suffering Servant

Text: Isaiah 53 This chapter is a prophecy about Jesus – in particular, it is about His suffering on the cross. This is an important chapter because of the prophecy showing that God knew what would happen. It is also important in explaining why and how Jesus made His sacrifice. He Did Not Have the Appearance of a King (v. […]

The Road to Jericho

Text: Luke 10:30-37 In this lesson, we’re going to visit one who was traveling the road to Jericho. As we travel down the road to Jericho, we will learn about loving our neighbor. Life Is Uncertain We probably immediately think of this as it relates to the victim – he did not go out expecting […]

The Demands of Discipleship

Text: Luke 9:57-62 We have been called to be disciples of Jesus – but this is not an easy life. Discipleship is demanding. Certain things are required of us and not everyone will be willing to be a disciple. In our text, Jesus encountered three prospective disciples. In His responses to them, He showed just how […]

Add Love

Text: 2 Peter 1:5-11 Faith must be the foundation of all that we do. Yet there are various qualities we are to add to our faith. In this lesson, the trait we will focus on is love. Define Love Greek word agape – active love; striving to do what is best for others; similar to previous […]

Holy Hands

Text: 1 Timothy 2:8 In the previous lesson, we studied about a modest heart – particularly as it pertains to women. This lesson is a counterpart to that one. There are lessons for men that relate to what we discussed. The expression about “lifting up holy hands” is not about a particular prayer posture; instead, it signifies one […]

What Is Not Impossible

Text: Luke 1:37 In the previous lesson, we discussed what the Bible describes as being impossible. On the other hand, there are certain things that are not impossible. In this lesson, we will consider some things that may seem impossible, but the Lord declares they are not. Not Impossible for the Son of God to Come […]