Diligent to Preserve the Unity of the Spirit

Text: Ephesians 4:1-6 Unity among God’s people is important to the Lord. He prayed for it before His death (John 17:20-21). It ought to be important to us as well. How can we have unity? To answer this, we can look to what Paul wrote about the unity of the Spirit. Unity of the Spirit Not […]

The Problem with Division

Text: 1 Corinthians 1:10 The first of many problems that Paul addressed in his first letter to Corinth was the problem of division. There were factions within the church. Paul appealed for them to have unity. He did so by explaining what is the problem with division. When We Are Divided, We Are… Not Complete Complete – “perfectly joined […]

Mary the Mother of Jesus

Text: Matthew 1:20-23 Some in the religious world elevate Mary to the status of deity. She played an important role in Christ being born into the world, but she was not equal with Him. Without elevating her too highly, we can recognize and appreciate the good qualities she possessed. We will consider some of these in this […]

How to Be Built Up

Text: Colossians 2:7 The New Testament repeatedly talks about being “built up” in the Lord. But how does this happen? It is not by the Lord miraculously making us stronger, more mature, better equipped to serve Him, etc. In this lesson, we will notice six ways given in the New Testament that show us how to be “built up” […]

Not a God of Confusion

Text: 1 Corinthians 14:33 “God is not a God of confusion” (1 Corinthians 14:33). Therefore, confusion is a sign that people are not following God’s way. With that in mind, we will consider the reaction of some in the book of Acts to the preaching of the gospel. Three places were in “confusion” – Philippi (Acts 16), Ephesus (Acts 19), […]

Prophecy Against the Shepherds of Israel

Text: Ezekiel 34:1-7 This passage contains a prophecy against “the shepherds of Israel.” They failed to fulfill their role in leading the people by taking advantage of them and only looking out for themselves. The most obvious parallel to “shepherds” would be to elders shepherding the Lord’s church. However, there are applications for all of us. We […]

Lessons Learned from the Tower of Babel

Text: Genesis 11:1-9 The account of the towel of Babel is the final event recorded in Genesis before we are told of Abraham and God’s plan through him. The promise to Abraham was a pivotal point in the scheme of redemption. However, the story of Babel was not included in Genesis simply as a matter […]