The Christian’s Education

Text: John 7:15 Many people in our society place a great emphasis on education. This is good. But what about our education as Christians? How are we to learn, train, grow, and develop as disciples? Let us consider what the Scriptures say. Modeled after Jesus During the Feast of Booths, Jesus went to Jerusalem and began to teach (John […]

Turning Blessings into Curses

Text: Proverbs 25:16 In the Bible, honey is often used to symbolize God’s great blessings for man (cf. Exodus 3:8). Yet in our text, the wise man pointed out that this same blessing can be turned into something with negative effects. It is possible to take the good things God blesses us with and turn them into […]

All Things Belong to You

Text: 1 Corinthians 3:21-23 We have been abundantly blessed by God. Paul emphasized this in our text – “all things belong to you.” But what does this mean? To answer that, we need to look at what he said and what is in the context. The Context Is About Not Boasting In one’s own wisdom (1 Corinthians […]

Does Persecution Cause the Church to Grow?

Text: Acts 8:1-4 The early church faced much persecution. They also experienced a lot of growth. We don’t experience the same persecution today. We also don’t see the same rate of growth (generally). This has caused some to wonder if we might see more growth if we experienced persecution. So we’re going to consider the question: Does persecution […]

The Church as a Temple

Text: 1 Corinthains 3:16 There are several ways that the church is described in the New Testament. One way is in our text – the church is “a temple of God.” What does this mean? Why did the Lord give this role to the church? How does it function as this? What Does This Mean? Temple […]

The Church as a Self-Edifying Body

Text: Ephesians 4:11-16 There are several ways that the church is described in the New Testament. One way is in our text – the church is a self-edifying body What does this mean? Why did the Lord give this role to the church? How is this role carried out? What Does This Mean? Body – this […]

The Church as the Pillar and Support of the Truth

Text: 1 Timothy 3:15 There are several ways that the church is described in the New Testament. One way is in our text – the church is “the pillar and support of the truth.” What does this mean? Why did the Lord give this role to the church? How is this role carried out? What Does […]