Perfecting Holiness

Text: 2 Corinthians 7:1 Christians are called to be perfect (Matthew 5:48). This is what we continually strive for. One of the ways in which we are to be perfect is in regard to holiness (2 Corinthians 7:1). How do we perfect holiness? That is what we will consider in this lesson. What is Holiness? […]

How the Church Grew in Ephesus

Text: Acts 19:20 When Paul came to Ephesus, he quickly converted twelve men (Acts 19:1-7). In three years (Acts 20:31), the gospel grew mightily (Acts 19:20) and the church went from just twelve men to “a considerable number” (Acts 19:26). There are challenges that come with being part of a smaller congregation. But we can […]

There Will Be False Teachers

Text: 2 Peter 2:1-3 The threat of false teachers is ever-present and cannot be ignored. In these few verses, Peter makes it clear just how dangerous false teachers are to us. The Existence of False Teachers is a Reality There will be false teachers today – not unique to the first century They will come […]

Why Was Paul Amazed at the Apostasy in Galatia?

Text: Galatians 1:6-9; Acts 13-14 Paul’s letter to the Galatians was addressed to the churches of that region – Antioch of Pisidia, Iconium, Lystra, and Derbe. These churches were established during Paul’s first preaching journey (Acts 13-14). The Christians in this region experienced a lot of opposition to the gospel, yet this was not what caused them […]

Sound the Alarm

Text: Hosea 5:8 Much of the preaching that is done today avoids the whole counsel of God (Acts 20:27). Instead, it emphasizes what is positive, feel-good, and motivational. It is this way because that is what people want (2 Timothy 4:3). There is a general dislike, even among some of our brethren, of preaching that […]

Hananiah’s False Prophecy

Text: Jeremiah 28:1-4 Hananiah was a false prophet who opposed Jeremiah and prophesied that God was going to break the yoke of Nebuchadnezzar and restore the exiles. Hananiah was like many false teachers today. This lesson will examine the example of Hananiah and seek to answer two questions: #1 – What makes a message true? […]

“A Dog Returns to Its Own Vomit”

Text: 2 Peter 2:18-22 Peter wrote this epistle in order to remind these brethren of some things before he departed (1:12-15). One of his warnings was about the threat of false teachers (2:1-2). There was a real danger that these Christians could fall away; he wanted them to be prepared. We need to heed his […]