Not Getting Anything Out of the Assembly

Text: Psalm 122:1 David expressed the attitude we must have when it comes to assembling to worship the Lord – gladness. This ought to be a time we look forward to. Unfortunately, many do not look forward to this (maybe even us at times); yet there is a tendency to blame others for this. Often […]

The Church as a Temple

Text: 1 Corinthains 3:16 There are several ways that the church is described in the New Testament. One way is in our text – the church is “a temple of God.” What does this mean? Why did the Lord give this role to the church? How does it function as this? What Does This Mean? Temple […]

Burning Sacrifices to the Queen of Heaven

Text: Jeremiah 44:15-18 Jeremiah repeatedly condemned the people of Judah for their sin – idolatry in particular. This particular false god was identified as the “queen of heaven.” They did not refute the charge of idolatry; they just refused to listen or acknowledge the negative consequences of their behavior. Those who are caught up in […]

Songs of Jesus

Text: Hebrews 2:12 Singing is one of the key components of our worship. Because of this, we find singing throughout the Bible – including in the New Testament. In this lesson, we are going to see what we can learn from certain songs – the songs of Jesus. The Song Before His Crucifixion (Matthew 26:30) […]

The Message of Malachi: Spiritual Indifference

Text: Malachi 1:10 In this series, we are going to do an overview of the Minor Prophets. The goal is to (1) understand the overall theme of each book and (2) see what lessons there are for us. In this lesson, we are going to see what we can learn from the book of Malachi. […]

Why Do Christians Meet on Sunday?

Text: Acts 20:7 The world is filled with a multitude of churches engaged in various practices. With all of the diversity of practices, there is one thing that professing Christians generally agree on – the church assembles on Sunday. Some meet other days (ex: Seventh Day Adventists), but these are the exceptions. Why is this the […]

Where the Convenience Mentality Leads

Text: Acts 24:24-25 Our culture values convenience. Making things convenient can either be good or bad – could increase efficiency/productivity or leads to laziness/dependence. But because convenience is so valued, we (as a society) accept the negative things that come with it. This mentality (always seeking what is most convenient) is especially dangerous in the […]